Many of you know me and subscribe to my newsletter, Agronomically Speaking. The purpose of this blog is to provide a platform that is not as technical as the newsletter that will look at issues that you as growers may not see face-to-face on a daily basis. With my years in retail, retail sales management, and as a manufacturer’s representative, I have some insights that farmers may not have. This blog is designed to allow me to express those insights in my own words and in a timely manner that will help you in your operation.
From time to time there may be special alerts that will be posted for various commodity groups or information that we have gathered from various meetings we attend. Our intent is to post weekly and the posts may be from me, but Brian and Celine will also supply information.
More than anything else, Behind the Curtain will be a place where Ag Tech Services philosophy and knowledge will be highlighted for the benefit of our subscribers.